Coalesce - automatic data lineage

13th March, 2025

What to Expect

Graph Node as a processor in Snowflake's lineage

Nodes in Coalesce act as data processors between objects in Snowflake.

For example, when you configure a data flow in Coalesce from the STG_MENU table to the FCT_MENU table, Dataedo represents these Nodes between the tables in its column level lineage diagrams.

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No data lineage after the first import

Follow the steps starting from the Assigning linked sources section in Connecting to Coalesce article.

No object-level data lineage

Make sure that the source and destination are assigned to the corresponding Linked Source in Dataedo. If they are assigned, try re-importing changes. You can find more information in the Connecting to Coalesce article under the Assigning linked sources and Importing changes for data lineage sections.