Qlik Sense SaaS - Automatic data lineage

Michal Adamczyk - Dataedo Team Michal Adamczyk 3rd June, 2024

Using various data when creating reports in Qlik from many sources may make you feel uncertain about their origin. Fortunately Dataedo can help you by visualizing their flow process by Data Lineage functionality.

What to expect

Analytic Apps (Reports)

Dataedo imports metadata about Analytic Apps, analyses them and builds column-level lineage from them to App Tables that have been created in a given Qlik app.

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App Tables (Dataset Tables)

Dataedo analyzes the metadata and associated with App Tables , allowing users to trace the origins and locations of their data. There are two possible options of data lineage.

Data flows from Dataset located in Qlik catalog: Image title

The data exists in External source that is connected to Qlik, for example in Table located in PostgreSQL database: Image title

In Dataedo Portal, users can view which Analytic Apps references given table.

Everything everywhere all at once

Going one step higher user can browse data lineage from the drom the database level. All data flows from single object (report, dataset table) can can be traced by clicking on it.

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Known limitations

  • Column level lineage between some computed measures and columns they use may not be created


I don't see data lineage from External source database

  1. Make sure the source object has Linked Source with correctly assigned database. If you don't see any Linked Sources check if you belong to Shared Space to which given app is added and have Can edit role which is required to view app script by Dataedo where metadata regarding external connections is located: Image title You can also assign Linked Sources by hand.
  2. Rerun import of the source - maybe schema was imported in older version or configuration was incorrect.