Power BI - Automatic Data Lineage

Michał Trybulec - Dataedo Team Michał Trybulec 3rd June, 2024

What to Expect

Dataedo imports automatically:

  1. Repors, visualizations and fields
  2. Data sets, tables and columns
  3. Column-level lineage from datasets - reports
  4. Column-level lineage from source database tables to data sets

SQL Server → Power BI

Lineage is created from Tables and Views in SQL Server to Dataset Tables in Power BI and from Dataset Tables to Power BI Reports. It is created at the column level. Supported Data Connectivity modes: Import and Direct Query

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Microsoft Fabric Data Lakehouse → Power BI

Lineage is created from Tables in Microsoft Fabric Data Lakehouse to Dataset Tables in Power BI and from Dataset Tables to Power BI Reports. It is created at the column level. Supported Data Connectivity modes: OneLake, Import and Direct Query.

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Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse → Power BI

Lineage is created from Tables in Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse to Dataset Tables in Power BI and from Dataset Tables to Power BI Reports. It is created at the column level. Supported Data Connectivity modes: OneLake, Import and Direct Query.

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PostgreSQL → Power BI

Lineage is created from Tables and Views in PostgreSQL to Dataset Tables in Power BI and from Dataset Tables to Power BI Reports. It is created at the column level. Supported Data Connectivity modes: Import and Direct Query.

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MySQL → Power BI

Lineage is created from Tables and Views in MySQL to Dataset Tables in Power BI and from Dataset Tables to Power BI Reports. It is created at the column level. Supported Data Connectivity modes: Import and Direct Query.

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SQL Server Analysis Services Tabular - import mode → Power BI

Lineage is created from Tables in SQL Server Analysis Services Tabular to Dataset Tables in Power BI and from Dataset Tables to Power BI Reports. It is created at the column level. Supported Data Connectivity modes: Import and Live Connection

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SQL Server Analysis Services Tabular - live connection mode → Power BI

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SQL Server Analysis Services Multidimensional → Power BI

Lineage is created from Cubes in SQL Server Analysis Services Tabular to Dataset Tables in Power BI (only for cubes measures) and from Dataset Tables to Power BI Reports. It is created at the column level. Supported Data Connectivity modes: Import and Live Connection

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Snowflake → Power BI

Lineage is created from Tables i Snowflake to Dataset Tables in Power BI and from Dataset Tables to Power BI Reports. It is created at the column level. Supported Data Connectivity modes: Import and Direct Query.

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SQL Server → Power BI Paginated Report

Lineage is created from Tables and Views in SQL Server to Paginated Reports Datasets in Power BI and from Paginated Reports Datasets to Paginated Reports. It is created at the column level.

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Power BI Dataset → Power BI Paginated Report Dataset → Power BI Paginated Report

Lineage is created from Datasets in Power BI to Paginated Reports Datasets in Power BI and from Paginated Reports Datasets to Paginated Reports. It is created at the object level.

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Data Connectivity mode

Data Connectivity mode is a way of storing tables in datasets. It is determined when creating a dataset in Power BI.

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Dataedo creates lineage in the above cases for this data connectivity modes: - Import - DirectQuery - Live Connection

Known Limitations

  • Column lineage is created on the basis of matching column names, if such names are changed manually, the lineage may not be matched correctly.
  • If the Dataset uses MS Fabric Data Warhouse and MS Fabric Data Lakehouse at the same time, the lineage of only one of these two will be adjusted. Manually correcting Linked Sourc will solve the problem.
  • SSAS Multidimensional does column lineage only for cube measures.
  • For Power Bi on prem (Power Bi Report Server) we do not create a lineage .


Lineage is created based on a matched Linked Source, check the Dataedo desktop to make sure it is matched properly. Image title