Oracle database - Automatic Data Lineage

Hubert Książek - Dataedo Team Hubert Książek 4th June, 2024

Ever wonder about the source of data of some view and what tables are used to define it ? Using Dataedo you can easily make sense of data flow between objects in Oracle database by visualizing it using Data lineage functionality.

What to expect


Dataedo analyzes SQL scripts defining database views with built in SQL Parser and builds column-level lineage from tables/views to views (both materialized and not) queried by them. To learn more about parsing PL/SQL dialect visit: PL/SQL Parsing.

Column-level data lineage for PL/SQL views

Stored Procedures and Functions

Dataedo will create column-level data lineage for stored procedures based on the script. Script will be devided into steps represented as seperate processes. Data lineage will be created only for supported steps, the unsupported steps will be named after the first word from the process script and end with three dots. This is seen on the data lineage configuration tab in Desktop.

Column-level data lineage for PL/SQL stored procedures

Known Limitations

  1. Check the limitations for views lineage from SQL parser
  2. Check the limitations for stored procedures lineage from SQL parser


I don't see data lineage for views

I don't see data lineage for views

  1. Make sure you have selected right SQL dialect - in this case PL/SQL (SQL Dialect field at Data Source level).
  2. Rerun import of the source - maybe schema was imported in older version or configuration was incorrect.

I don't see data lineage for stored procedures

  1. Make sure Dataedo supports SQL syntax of procedure. Check Know Limitation above
  2. Rerun import of the source - maybe schema was imported in older version or configuration was incorrect.

Cross database lineage is not built

  1. Make sure the source object has Linked Source with correctly assigned database
  2. Rerun import of the source - maybe schema was imported in older version or configuration was incorrect.