Connection requirements
Dataedo connects to Coalesce using a REST API. To set up this connection, you'll need an API Key and an API Secret. These credentials are generated within the Coalesce platform and are used to authenticate requests to the API. You can find the instructions for generating an API Key and Secret here.
Required permissions
Dataedo utilizes the following REST API endpoints to extract metadata from Coalesce:
- /api/v1/environments
- /api/v1/workspaces/:workspaceID/nodes
Connecting to Coalesce
For best results before importing metadata from Coalesce, ensure that the destination and sources used in Coalesce are already imported into Dataedo.
Connector selection
To import Coalesce, click the Add button in the upper left corner and choose New connection.
From the sources, choose Coalesce, and then click Next >
Connection details
Fill in the Host - Instructions on where to find the host key can be found here
API Key - Learn how to obtain your API key here
Workspace ID - Guidance on locating your Workspace ID is available here
Confirm the connection by clicking Connect.
Filtering and documentation title
Objects have schema and name as in the destination database. You can filter them by schema or name. After setting up filters, click Next >.
You can set up the documentation title. By default, it is the name of the destination. You can change it to a more descriptive one. After setting up the title, click Import.
Successful first import
The first import should be relatively quick. After it is done, click Finish.
Assigning linked sources
After the first import, you must assign linked sources to the corresponding Source Database in Dataedo. To do this, go to the Linked sources folder in Coalesce documentation, select a linked source to be assigned, expand Source Database and select the corresponding Source Database from the list.
Repeat this step for all linked sources that can be assigned. When linked sources are assigned their logo will change to a database icon.
Importing changes for data lineage
After assigning linked sources, you must import changes to import data lineage. To do this right-click on the Coalesce documentation and choose Import changes. Confirm the import by clicking Connect.
Known limitations
Linked sources are not assigned automatically, this must be done manually.