Oracle E-Business Suite support

Michal Adamczyk - Dataedo Team Michal Adamczyk 3rd June, 2024

Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) database is known for its large size and complexity due to the comprehensive nature of the integrated business applications it supports. Dataedo helps make sense of the complex Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) database by providing documentation and insights into its structure and relationships.

Catalog and Documentation

Dataedo leverages the Oracle internal data dictionary to import metadata, enabling users to efficiently capture and utilize essential information about the Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) database.

Users can select an EBS application (for example Human Resources) that interests them and import parts of the EBS database that are used by it. Dataedo imports tables and views with their columns which can be further used to create ER diagrams based on imported table relationships (foreign keys) that help to explore the EBS database structure. Apart from that, SQL functions, procedures and packages with scripts that define them are imported. Furthermore, the EBS connector supports importing sequences.

Users will be also among others able to:

Required permissions

To import all mentioned metadata user must have access to one of the system database schemas or schema named APPS. This schema has access to the complete Oracle E-Business Suite data model and stores all product code objects (for example views). For further information about its role visit: Oracle EBS Database Features. To learn more about EBS database schemas visit: Database Schemas Found in Oracle E-Business Suite.

Connecting to Oracle EBS

To connect to Oracle Instance wherein the EBS database is located you need to first click the Add button on the left upper corner and choose New connection.

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From the sources choose Oracle EBS.

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Now data necessary to establish a connection between Dataedo and the Oracle EBS database that resides on the Oracle instance must be provided. Two connection types are available: Direct(visible on screen below) or Oracle wallet. When connecting to the database directly specified must be:

  • Host - hostname or address where a database is on, for example, ebsserver, or
  • Instance identifier (Service name or SID) - Oracle instance Service name
  • Port - Oracle instance port

In the case of Oracle wallet connection type user needs to specify the:

  • Connection file - location of the wallet file
  • Service - service name

Independently of choosing the connection type specified must be:

  • User - name of the user (see Required access)
  • Password - user password
  • Application - Prefix or prefixes of applications divided by a comma whose metadata are going to be imported (click the three-dot icon to see a list of available apps)
  • Timeout (s) - number of seconds after which the connection attempt will be interrupted

If dependencies between objects are to be imported, Import dependencies checkbox must be checked.

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After clicking Connect Dataedo will start retrieving database objects and when it finishes it will display a window that allows to choose objects to import. Checking the Advanced filters checkbox enables to define more complex filters.

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Confirm which objects are to be imported by clicking Next. You will see a window that allows changing the default name of the documentation under which it will be visible in the Dataedo repository. This name can be changed later.

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Click Import to start the import process. Wait until the import process is completed.

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Close the import window using Finish button. Your EBS database structure has been imported to new documentation in the repository.

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Connector specification

Imported metadata

Imported Editable
   Data types
   Column comments
  Table comments
  Foreign keys
  Primary keys
  Unique keys
Views, Materialized Views
    Data types
    Column comments
  View comments
Functions, Procedures, Packages
  Input arguments
  Output results

Supported features

Feature Supported
Data profiling
Data classification
Data lineage
Reference data (import lookups)
Importing from DDL
Generating DDL
FK relationship tester

Data profiling

Profile Support
Table row count
Table sample data
Column distribution (unique, non-unique, null, empty values)
Min, max values
Standard deviation
Min-max span
Number of distinct values
Top 10/100/1000 values
10 random values

Read more about profiling in a Data Profiling documentation.

Data Lineage

Source Method
Views - object level From dependencies
Views - object level From SQL parsing
Views - column level From SQL parsing

Known issues and limitations

  • Because packages are parsed to get functions and procedures from them, import may take a long time when the application has many of them
  • Some tables may be imported twice with different schemas. Currently, we are unable to determine which one is correct.