Fivetran - Automatic Data Lineage

Hubert Książek - Dataedo Team Hubert Książek 31st July, 2024

What to Expect

Application → Fivetran → Destination

Data lineage from an application (e.g. Salesforce) to a destination with Fivetran as a processing tool in the middle. Application and destination must be imported to Dataedo and assigned to the corresponding Linked Source.

Column-level lineage from Application (Salesforce) to Destination (Redshift) with Fivetran in the middle

Column-level lineage from Database (Sharepoint Lists) to Destination (MySQL) with Fivetran in the middle

Column-level lineage from Application (Salesforce) to Destination (Databricks) with Fivetran in the middle

Database → Fivetran → Destination

Data lineage from a database (e.g. Snowflake) to a destination with Fivetran as a processing tool in the middle. Database and destination must be imported to Dataedo and assigned to the corresponding Linked Source.

Column-level lineage from Database (Snowflake) to Destination (Redshift) with Fivetran in the middle

Known limitations

  • Sources or destinations that are not supported by Dataedo will not have data lineage.
  • Sources that are not Applications or Database type (events, files, functions) will not have data lineage.
  • Data lineage from transformations should be imported separately using dbt connector.
  • Dataedo only imports information from the source connectors that are currently connected.
  • Linked sources need to be assigned manually (there will be no data lineage for unassigned linked sources).


Some of the sources are missing

If some of the sources are missing make sure their status is Connected in Fivetran.

No data lineage after the first import

Follow the steps starting from the Assigning linked sources section in Connecting to Fivetran article.

No object-level data lineage

Make sure that the source and destination are assigned to the corresponding Linked Source in Dataedo. If they are assigned, try re-importing changes. You can find more information in the Connecting to Fivetran article under the Assigning linked sources and Importing changes for data lineage sections.

Make sure Dataedo has access to the necessary endpoints to fetch metadata from Fivetran. To create data lineage (and create objects) Dataedo utilizes GET{connector_id}/schemas endpoint. Based on this and linked sources Dataedo maps source and destination objects to create data lineage.

No column-level data lineage

Make sure Dataedo has access to the necessary endpoints to fetch metadata from Fivetran. To create column-level data lineage Dataedo utilizes GET{connector_id}/schemas/{schema_name}/tables/{table_name}/columns endpoint. Based on this and object-level lineage Dataedo maps source and destination columns to create column-level data lineage.